Your Visit
Admission & Registration
All patients who visit the hospital for laboratory tests or diagnostic and imaging services must first register with one of our admitting and registration offices.
Advance Directives
What is an Advance Medical Directive? It is a legal document that allows you to name someone you know and trust to make your health care decisions if, for any reason and at any time, you become unable to make or communicate those decisions.
Inpatient Information
Our goal is to make you as comfortable as possible during your inpatient stay. Your room includes an electronic bed, a nurse call button, a telephone and a color television.
Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Health care providers are obligated to protect and promote your rights, and we take that responsibility seriously.
The NCH Difference
On Nantucket we’re bound together not only by the Atlantic but something even deeper: the sense of responsibility we feel for each other. It brings out the best in us.
Visitor Information
We strive to create a welcoming, supportive and safe environment for our patients, families, visitors and staff while respecting the health care needs and confidentiality of our patients.
NCH Directory
Here you will find all the information you need to call, fax, email, or write various departments, staff, and patients.