Patient Stories – Lionel Starr


Facing hernia surgery, Lionel Starr, 70, wanted a procedure that would allow him to quickly return to his job at a service station. He found it at Nantucket Cottage Hospital, where laparoscopic surgeon Richard Koehler, MD, used “keyhole” incisions to repair intestinal protrusions that had developed after a previous major operation.

“During surgery, the doctor found a second hernia that never even showed up in the CT scan,” said Lionel. “I went home the same day. We are so fortunate to have a full-time expert in minimally invasive surgery right here on the island.”

Every hospital must keep up with regulatory and technology requirements. In our new hospital, all imaging technologies will be located in one diagnostic suite, rather than the current layout in which medically gowned patients often pass through public areas. Lab space will accommodate today’s and tomorrow’s testing devices. The surgical suite will expand from one to two operating rooms, offering high-tech capabilities in both traditional and minimally invasive surgery. And when our patients need even more sophisticated care, we have high-priority access to Mass General and other leading Boston hospitals.


Grateful patients

3 / 16 / 2013 by