Frequently Asked Questions About Pregnancy
Prenatal Diagnosis Information
- Prenatal Screening Tests: Find information about prenatal screening tests we offer during pregnancy.
- Chromosomal Disorders and Testing: Learn about birth defects caused by chromosomal disorders and tests offered by Nantucket Cottage Hospital to identify them.
- Genetic Syndromes and Testing: Learn about birth defects caused by genetic syndromes and tests offered by Nantucket Cottage Hospital to identify them.
- Structural Defects and Testing: Learn about birth defects caused by structural defects and tests offered by Nantucket Cottage Hospital to identify them.
Pregnancy Resources
- Medications in Pregnancy: In general, medications that have been around longer have been tested more thoroughly and should be preferred over newer ones. We recommend avoiding any unnecessary drug or medication during pregnancy, especially during the first 20 weeks when your baby’s organ systems are forming. Learn more about what medications are safe during your pregnancy.
- Nutrition in Pregnancy: The Basics: Read a guide to some of the basic questions you may find yourself asking about nutrition in pregnancy.
- Bleeding in Early Pregnancy: Bleeding is common during the first three months (12 weeks) of pregnancy and may or may not be a sign of a problem.
- Minor Discomforts During Pregnancy & Their Remedies: Find tips to relieve some of the minor discomforts you may experience during your pregnancy including cramping, backaches, cold and flu symptoms, swollen feet and pressure under the rib cage.
- March of Dimes: Information from the March of Dimes for those thinking about getting pregnant, being pregnant and beyond.
Maternal Fetal Health
The excitement and anticipation of pregnancy can often turn to concern and anxiety over the health of your unborn child. Through our partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital, we bring advanced maternal fetal medicine to expecting mothers on Nantucket. Every pregnant woman on the island is screened by Dr. William Barth, the chief of maternal fetal medicine at MGH, who assesses high risk pregnancies and conducts prenatal diagnosis for patients right here at Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Through diagnostic ultrasounds and early risk assessments, we are able to screen for structural defects and Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities in the first and second trimesters. Counseling and education, both before and after tests, is an integral component to our approach. If we detect an abnormality, our clinical specialists work with parents to educate them about their baby’s condition and determine the best course of treatment both before and after the baby’s birth.
Immunization Schedules for Infants and Children:
Read the CDC’s vaccine recommendations for infants and children’s by clicking here.
Meet our Team
Most of the resources listed below are available outside the walls of Nantucket Cottage Hospital from our community partners to further assist parents and parents to-be.
Childbirth Education Classes
Childbirth Education classes are offered through the Nantucket Community School. The class is designed to offer expectant families the education they will need to be better prepared for the birth of their child. Please email/call, 508-228-7285 x1166 to register. The cost is $150 for the 5-week series (most insurance companies will reimburse the cost). Classes will cover topics such as:
- The third trimester, tests to know about, going into labor, timing contractions
- The stages of labor and pain coping, your medical team, when to go to the hospital
- Stages 2 and 3 labor rehearsal and medical options
- Postpartum and breastfeeding
- Community resources and sharing
Breastfeeding Support
- Breastfeeding mothers can receive consultation with one of NCH’s Labor and Delivery Nurse Lactation Counselors by calling 508-825-8228. Messages can be left 24-hours-a-day. After discharge, call the NCH Physician Practices at 508-825-1000 to schedule additional support.
- Alice Townsend-Williams, MS, RD, LDN, CLC, a Certified Lactation Counselor, offers breastfeeding support classes through Health Imperatives. Call 508-562-9744 or email
Postpartum Visiting Nurses Support
- Postpartum VNA support is offered to all patients. A Maternal Child Health Nurse will come to your house at one week postpartum, or more visits if needed, for weight check, postpartum teaching, care for mother, breastfeeding support and more. Click to learn more.
Support for New Families
Cape & Islands Early Childhood Intervention
- Phone: 508-775-6240
- Early intervention is a program that provides support to babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities. You do not need a doctor referral for the program, you can call and self-refer by saying “I have concerns about my child’s development and I would like to have my child evaluated to find out if he/she is eligible for early intervention services.”
The Nantucket Community School
- Phone: 508-228-7285 x1166 (x1577 en español)
- The Nantucket Community School offers Early Childhood programs for families with children ages birth – 8. They offer registered play groups, drop-in play at the Early Childhood Center, parent support groups and family events.
Welcome Baby/Welcome Family Visit
- Phone: 508-228-7285 x1166 (x1577 en español)
- Families will receive a Welcome Baby gift bag with gifts donated by different island organizations. Families will be visited at a time and location of their choosing by trained childhood professionals from the Community School. There are registration forms available in your delivery room if you are interested in signing up.
Young Parents Program
- 508-228-9189
- A case management program offered by Health Imperatives for any parent needing support who is under age 25. Services are free, there are no income eligibility standards, and are available in English and Spanish.
Healthy Families
- 508-228-9189
- A three year support and education program offered by Health Imperatives for parents under age 21 pregnant or parenting their first child. Services are available in English and Spanish. Portuguese translation may be available.
Cost Associated with Child Birth
Sailing Stork: The Sailing Stork Fund is a fund developed by Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s Patient Family Advisory Committee to support families that have to travel off-island for delivery. The fund can reimburse a portion of travel costs (lodging and transportation). Eligible families should save receipts associated with their travel. More information is available on the tips sheet provided by nursing.
Childcare Vouchers
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care: helps eligible low-income families find and pay for childcare through childcare subsidies. The eligibility of low-income status is based on the State median income (guidelines are available at this link). Please note that many childcare providers on Nantucket do not accept Childcare Vouchers. Our local Child Care Resource and Referral agency is The Childcare Network, located in Hyannis:
- Phone: 508-778-9470
- Website:
Financial Insecurity
SNAP: Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (aka food stamps)
- SNAP provides monthly assistance to buy nutritious foods. You may be eligible if you are low-income. You can apply for SNAP on-line at this link. Or you can make an appointment with NCH Social Services for assistance: 508-825-8196
WIC: Women, Infants and Children
- Phone: 508-771-7896
- WIC is a program that provides supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
- Health Imperatives at 20 Vesper Lane Unit #3 offers WIC appointments on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- You can check eligibility for WIC at this link.
- You are automatically eligible if you receive Masshealth, SNAP or TAFDC
- Your nurse can send referral paperwork to WIC
Nantucket Food, Fuel and Rental Assistance
- The Food Pantry is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. at 10 Washington Street
- Phone: 508-228-2780
- To apply for fuel or rental assistance call Janice at 508-901-1320
Nantucket Diaper Bank: A Baby Center
- Phone: 508-737-5406 and/or visit
- At ABC Nantucket, families will be able to visit once every 30 days for diapers and wipes and small infant goods (a book or a toy). Families can also special order a few outfits for their babies. No appointment needed, no qualifications or paperwork required.
- Wednesdays from 10:30am to 2:30pm at the Nantucket Family Resource Center, 1 Freedom Square Suite B
Mental Wellness
Post-partum International:
- Phone: 1-800-944-4PPD (4773)
- A toll-free phone number for mothers or family members with questions about symptoms of postpartum depression. All calls will be returned by a trained volunteer within 24 hours.
Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program (MCPAP) for Moms
- MCPAP for Moms provides obstetricians, midwives, and PCPs with psychiatric consultation for behavioral health concerns and questions around medications when pregnant or breastfeeding. MCPAP for Moms also supports connections with community-based services and support groups. If you are taking psychiatric medication during pregnancy, or you are considering medication while post-partum, MCPAP can help you and your provider come up with the best plan for you.
- Phone: 855-MOM-MCPAP (666-6272)
Fairwinds – Nantucket’s Counseling Center
- Phone: (508) 228-2689
- Fairwinds Counseling Center offers mental health and substance abuse counseling in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. They accept MassHealth, commercial insurance plans, and they have a grant to offer therapy to people who do not have health insurance. Their staff have attended specific training in the treatment of perinatal and post-partum mood disorders.
Domestic Violence
Safelink Hotline
- Phone: (877) 785-2020.
- 24-hour multilingual hotline. Can help find domestic violence safe houses across the state of MA that have openings.
A Safe Place
- Phone: 508-228-0561 (office)
- Hotline: 508-228-2111
- A Safe Place provides free and confidential services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. They have programming for children and adults.
Adoption Resources
Adoption Agencies in the State of Massachusetts include:
- MARE: Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange
- Angel Adoption
- A Full Circle Adoption
- Adoptions with Love
- Alliance for Children
Agencies that offer support to adoptive parents:
- North American Council on Adoptable Children
- MSPCC, Adoptive Families Together Program
- has a wide variety of open forum education threads
- Information on the process of pursuing domestic infant adoption in Massachusetts
Resources for Infant Loss and Miscarriage
Funeral Planning
John Lawrence Funeral Home
- Phone: 508-428-5704
- Funeral home that will come to Nantucket to receive remains, prepare for burial or cremation and then return to Nantucket or another burial location of your choosing.
Financial Support
The Tears Foundation
- The Tears foundation will pay up to $500.00 for the cost of burial for infants (20 weeks gestation to 1 years old). They pay the funeral home directly, once there is an outstanding balance, application can be found on their website at this link.
Angel Names
- Angel Names has a SEOLE (securing end of life expenses, pronounced SOUL) fund. Application is on their website at this link.
Emotional Support
Post-partum International
- Phone: 1-800-944-4PPD (4773)
- A toll-free phone number for mothers or family members with questions about symptoms of postpartum depression. All calls will be returned by a trained volunteer within 24 hours.
Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Program (MCPAP) for Moms
- MCPAP for Moms provides obstetricians, midwives, and PCPs with psychiatric consultation for behavioral health concerns and questions around medications when pregnant or breastfeeding. MCPAP for Moms also supports connections with community-based services and support groups. If you are taking psychiatric medication during pregnancy, or you are considering medication while post-partum, MCPAP can help you and your provider come up with the best plan for you.
- Phone: 855-MOM-MCPAP (666-6272)
Fairwinds – Nantucket’s Counseling Center
- Phone: (508) 28-2689.
- Fairwinds Counseling Center offers mental health and substance abuse counseling in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. They accept MassHealth, commercial insurance plans, and they have a grant to offer therapy to people who do not have health insurance. Their staff have attended specific training in the treatment of perinatal and post-partum mood disorders.
Sunny Daily
- Phone: 508-333-7105
- Email:
- Sunny Daily provides full-spectrum doula services, including services to post-partum parents.
Call us at (508) 825-1000
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Get Directions
57 Prospect Street
Nantucket, MA 02554
Honoring Nantucket Natives
Since 1999, Nantucket Cottage Hospital has honored islanders who were born at the hospital on our Wall of Nantucket Natives. The Wall of Natives has become a beloved tradition for many island families with new babies. For a $100 donation, you can add your own Nantucket Native’s name to the Wall. In the old hospital, the Wall included bricks engraved with the native’s name and date of birth. While the old bricks could not be relocated to this facility, the names of each native who purchased a brick in the old building were transcribed onto these tiles, and now we have room for future generations to add their names. Click here to buy online. For questions, please call 508-825-8250.