2 / 4 / 2022

Percelays Named Chairs of 25th Boston Pops on Nantucket

(February 3, 2022) Nantucket Cottage Hospital is pleased to announce that Bruce and Elisabeth Percelay will serve as the event chairs for the 25th Annual Boston Pops on Nantucket set for August 13th, 2022.

As longtime Nantucket homeowners and island supporters, the Percelays will oversee Nantucket’s signature event of the summer, featuring the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra and a special guest to be announced at a later date, after a two-year hiatus brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The annual concert is the largest single fundraiser for Nantucket Cottage Hospital, with all the net proceeds generated during the event staying on Nantucket to sustain the hospital’s operations and its year-round commitment to the health and wellbeing of the island community.

“We recognize the critical importance of the POPS concert to the hospital’s financial health and we are thrilled to be a part of it,” said Bruce Percelay.

The concert will mark the 25th year for the Boston Pops on Nantucket, at Jetties Beach, with general admission ticket sales beginning online this Spring. (more…)

12 / 22 / 2021

Meet the Alario Family

(November 2021) When Abby and Bob Alario decided to start a family, they wanted their medical care delivered with compassion, kindness, and a sense of community. After careful planning and consideration, they knew the best place to meet their needs was Nantucket Cottage Hospital.

“We had lots of friends and family members that have had babies in major cities and realized a lot of hospitals treat labor and delivery like a factory line and don’t provide dedicated care,” said Bob. “We wanted something more, and we are so grateful we chose Nantucket Cottage Hospital.”

As it turns out, Abby’s delivery was more complicated than anyone expected. After 10 hours in labor, Abby was rushed to the operating room for an emergency c-section, where Jack Sampson Alario was safely delivered. (more…)

8 / 9 / 2021

110th Annual Meeting Going Virtual

Gary A. Shaw, President & CEO of Nantucket Cottage Hospital, together with Craig Muhlhauser, Chair of the Board of Trustees, invite you to Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s 110th Annual Meeting.

Friday, August 20th, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
UPDATE: The event will only take place virtually. Register and join at this link: https://partners.zoom.us/j/83214663024 

The annual meeting will include an update on the state of hospital operations as well as strategic plans for the future. We will also recognize several volunteers and staff members who have provided exemplary service and leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

7 / 15 / 2021

The Best of the Beach

Boston Pops for Nantucket

Gather with family and friends on Saturday, August 14th at 8 p.m. for a televised special on NCTV Channel 18, the Best of the Beach, in celebration of previous year’s Boston Pops on Nantucket concerts. The program will feature a compilation of our favorite songs from Kenny Loggins in 2016, a selection from RAIN, the Beatles tribute band, from 2018, as well as songs from The Spinners who joined us at Jetties Beach in 2019.

“With the difficult news of The Pops cancellation this year, we wanted to give the community something we can all rally around in celebration of Nantucket Cottage Hospital as we look back at some of our best performances,” said Gary Shaw, President and CEO of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. “The Best of the Beach is just that, an opportunity for our community to get together in our homes, for an event highlighting the spirit of inclusivity and celebration that The Pops brings to Nantucket year after year.”

Sponsored by White Elephant Resorts, Jill and Stephen Karp, the Best of the Beach telecast will air on Nantucket Community Television Channel 18 at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 14th.

We all wish we could be together at Jetties Beach this summer for what would have been the 25th anniversary of the Boston Pops on Nantucket. Unfortunately, as the island transitions out of COVID-19 protocols, municipal resources are stretched too thin to accommodate even a scaled-down concert. Throughout the pandemic, NCH was here for the community – keeping us safe by administering over 30,000 COVID-19 tests and over 18,000 vaccinations. Now is the community’s opportunity to give back and say thanks to our frontline healthcare workers. Every gift makes a difference – from lemonade stand proceeds to corporate gifts – help us raise $2 million to cover the unexpected expenses incurred responding to COVID-19. Click here to donate now and save the date for next year, August 13, 2022!

6 / 10 / 2021

Update on 2021 Boston Pops on Nantucket

A statement from Gary Shaw, President and CEO of Nantucket Cottage Hospital:

(June 10, 2021) This year was to have been the 25th anniversary of The Boston Pops on Nantucket in support of the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. While we hoped to bring this event back to Nantucket this summer, after consulting with the Town we have made the difficult decision to postpone celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Pops to 2022.  All of the Island’s resources are stretched while we are re-adjusting to a post-COVID world.  It has been a difficult 15 months for NCH and the loss of financial support from the Pops presents another real challenge.  We are grateful for the support of our donors during this time.  We look forward to bringing The Pops back to Nantucket on August 13, 2022, better than ever.