2 / 15 / 2017

The 2017 Beinecke Scholarships Open to Applicants

Nantucket Cottage Hospital is inviting Nantucket residents to submit applications for its 2017 Beinecke Scholarship Fund. This special fund, created by the late Nantucket businessman and civic leader Walter Beinecke, Jr., is intended to further the education and training of island residents in medical and health care fields by helping to finance their studies. The scholarship fund is open to graduates of Nantucket High School, employees of Nantucket Cottage Hospital and any other island resident who can satisfy the guidelines and requirements. (more…)

12 / 5 / 2016

Milestones Magazine, Edition #3

Focusing on Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s campaign to build a new hospital, Milestones magazine is designed to provide an update on the project and celebrate the donors and volunteers who are making this historic initiative a reality. Published in November 2016, our third issue highlights the Percelay Family’s incredible gift of $10 million, plus we give readers a glimpse into what the new hospital will look like inside. Read the complete digital edition by clicking below:

9 / 7 / 2016

NCTV Covers the 20th Boston Pops on Nantucket

Watch Nantucket Community Television’s coverage of the 2016 Boston Pops on Nantucket!

8 / 5 / 2016

WCVB’s Heather Unruh to Host the 20th Boston Pops on Nantucket

heather unruh blog post

Newswoman Heather Unruh, the co-anchor of Boston’s highest rated newscast, Newscenter 5 at 6pm, will be the host for the 20th Boston Pops on Nantucket concert on August 13th to benefit Nantucket Cottage Hospital.

Unruh, a longtime Nantucket summer resident who was married on the island, is a four-time Emmy award winner who has anchored nearly every major news story for WCVB since 2001.

“I am so thrilled to help kick off the 20th anniversary of the Boston Pops on Nantucket concert,” said Unruh, who has been visiting Nantucket for 40 years and even spent a summer working as a waitress at Topper’s restaurant before her career in journalism. “Listening to the beautiful music and watching the stunning fireworks with toes in the sand has been a special tradition in our family.  This year in particular should be spectacular, and I am honored to serve as Master of Ceremonies.” (more…)

6 / 29 / 2016

Join the Nantucket Cottage Hospital “Little Builders”!


Little Builders logo - final

Even the youngest Nantucketers are helping to build the island’s new hospital! Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s “Little Builders” are pitching in to help us raise awareness and funds for this historic project. Every child who becomes a “Little Builder” receives a toolbox with a t-shirt, hardhat, hospital ID card, and tools to help us break ground on the new hospital!

If you were not able to attend our kickoff event on June 28th, stop by the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Foundation during business hours to pick up your kid’s toolbox, or call us any time to learn more at 508-825-8250.  (more…)