8 / 25 / 2015

Saved From a Stroke on Nantucket

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One morning last year John Belash was standing at the bathroom sink of his Nantucket home when he suddenly fell backwards. The 84-year-old island resident didn’t know it immediately, but he was suffering from a stroke.

Rushed to Nantucket Cottage Hospital, Belash has only a vague recollection of being on a gurney as he was taken to the hospital’s emergency department. His clearest memory is seeing a doctor on a television monitor consulting with the emergency room physicians at his side.

The doctor on the screen was a stroke specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital who was communicating in real time with Belash’s doctors on the island through Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s tele-stroke program. The clinical team quickly diagnosed Belash’s condition as a stroke. (more…)

3 / 30 / 2015

Our Patients – Robert Souza


“I am so happy that they do everything on the island here – it makes it easier. Thank you to Nantucket Cottage Hospital and the people that are caring for me there. I think that they are top notch and they are doing an amazing job. I really feel I have a whole team getting me through this as well as the community.”

– Robert Souza (more…)

3 / 25 / 2013

Marsha & Bob Egan


“You never know when you will need medical care. When Bob became critically ill with a life-threatening infection, all of the hospital’s efforts worked in sync to save his life and return him to health. Life happens when you’re planning something else. Investing in the new facility is investing in your health, your future.”

– Marsha & Bob Egan

3 / 25 / 2013

Our Patients – The Percelay Family


“I am Dutch, and people in Holland are accustomed to delivering their babies at home. Nantucket Cottage Hospital provided an intimate environment for having our child, but at the same time offered the sophistication and expertise of a Mass General affiliated facility. It was the best of both worlds.” (more…)

3 / 25 / 2013

Our Patients – The Murray Family


“Nantucket Cottage Hospital has been an important part of our family through four generations going back to my grandfather Philip Murray, the founder of Murray’s Toggery. (more…)