5 / 11 / 2015

Nantucket Quality of Life Survey

Create your own user feedback survey

5 / 8 / 2015

The Jane Bonvini Memorial Fund

bonvini nurseThe Community Foundation for Nantucket (CFN) and Nantucket Cottage Hospital (NCH) are proud to announce a new CFN Designated Fund which will directly support our island nurses.

The Jane Bonvini Memorial Fund was established in honor of Jane Elizabeth Bonvini who died in September 2014. Jane worked at Nantucket Cottage Hospital for 27 years as an RN, retiring in 2010 as the Vice President of Patient Care Services and Director of Nursing. This fund was created by Jane’s family to support educational opportunities for Island Nurses. (more…)

4 / 28 / 2015

The Nantucket Opioid Symposium

The statewide opioid crisis has had a devastating impact on Massachusetts communities and Nantucket is not exempt. The island is facing the same difficult issues surrounding opiate abuse as its counterparts on the mainland, but Nantucket health and public safety officials are working together to address the problem head-on.

Nantucket Cottage Hospital and the Town of Nantucket Board of Health are pleased to present The Nantucket Opioid Symposium on May 9th, an opportunity for island residents to listen to a panel of experts and community leaders discuss the problem, ask questions, and explore solutions together. (more…)

4 / 22 / 2015

After Town Meeting – What’s Next For NCH?

Watch NCH President and CEO Dr. Margot Hartmann and NCH Vice President and Project Executive Jim Kelly sit down with Dan Drake on Geno TV to discuss the results of Town Meeting and the next steps for Nantucket’s new hospital.

4 / 16 / 2015

Thank You, Nantucket

thank you Nantucket

Thank you, Nantucket. We will now work with the community and the island’s regulatory boards to design and plan the best hospital possible to serve Nantucket now and for future generations.