2 / 9 / 2018

Weathering the Storm: New Hospital Designed with Environmental Factors in Mind

Nantucket’s new hospital will bring a new standard of resiliency to the island. The building has been designed and is being constructed to withstand hurricane-force winds in excess of 150 mph. The design of the facility factors in lessons learned from other hospitals that have experienced crippling power outages and other damage during natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina.

That’s why the new Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s mechanical systems have been installed on the roof, rather than in a basement, to preclude the possibility of a flood knocking out power. New redundancies in the electrical system, including two 500kw generators, will make the building even more resilient. The new hospital will also be certified as a LEED Gold v4 building, a standard that will provide synergies within the building systems, solutions for optimizing performance, and allow NCH to achieve better environmental and economic outcomes from the new facility.

Tropical Storm Jose lashed Nantucket in mid-September 2017, dumping more than six inches of rain, unleashing wind gusts over 60 mph, and cutting off transportation to and from the mainland for nearly four days. For Nantucket Cottage Hospital, the storm was a true test of its emergency preparedness apparatus, as staff members, supplies, and other resources – most notably the availability of Boston MedFlight – were cut off from the island for more than 36 hours. In many ways, it also underscored the need for Nantucket’s new hospital.

At one point during the storm, every inpatient bed in the hospital was full, while the Emergency Department was at capacity. As hospital staff cared for dozens of patients, they also closely monitored the level of critical supplies, as well as the facility’s blood bank, not to mention the integrity of the 1957 roof straining under inches of water being dumped in a short period of time.


1 / 23 / 2018

Flu Advisory

Nantucket Cottage Hospital has seen an increase in the number of confirmed flu cases on the island over the past week. In addition to these cases which have been confirmed through laboratory testing, there are other presumed flu cases in which patients have been diagnosed based on their symptoms as well as those who have not sought treatment. Flu cases are expected to rise as the season continues.

NCH would like to remind island residents of ways to reduce the risk of contracting this year’s flu virus:

  • It is recommended, and not too late, to receive a flu shot. The vaccine not only protects the person receiving it but also those around them
  • Clean your hands often with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, as this is the most effective way to halt the spread of flu
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way
  • Try to avoid contact with people who are sick
  • If you are experiencing flu symptoms, seek out treatment if necessary, but stay home from work or school to avoid exposing others, and do not return until you have been symptom-free without the use of medications for at least 24 hours

Flu symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people also may have vomiting and diarrhea.

12 / 14 / 2017

Video: 2017 NCH Community Health Initiative Grant Recipient Breakfast

On Dec. 1, Nantucket Cottage Hospital awarded $762,000 in grant funding to 12 non-profit recipients through its Community Health Initiative during a ceremony at the Nantucket Hotel. Thanks to Nantucket Community Television for filming the event!

12 / 1 / 2017

NCH Awards $762,000 to Local Nonprofits to Address the Island’s Most Pressing Health Issues

(December 1, 2017) Nantucket Cottage Hospital is pleased to announce that it has awarded $762,000 in grant funding to 13 non-profit recipients through its Community Health Initiative, which seeks to address the island’s most pressing health issues through collaborative, innovative, and sustainable programs.

The Community Health Initiative grant funds are available through the private donations to Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s capital campaign to build the island’s new hospital. This year’s awards are the first of five grant cycles that will ultimately invest more than $4 million in community health. The hospital sought proposals in four areas: behavioral health; women’s and children’s health; access to healthcare; and access to housing.

These priorities were identified by the island community following a comprehensive process that included public forums, prioritization sessions and input from the hospital’s 2015 Community Health Needs Assessment. The resulting document, the Nantucket Community Health Improvement Plan, is better known as Healthy Nantucket 2020 and served as the roadmap for the Community Health Initiative grant process.

“I want to thank Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s generous donors for making the Community Health Initiative possible,” said Dr. Margot Hartmann, President & CEO of Nantucket Cottage Hospital. (more…)

11 / 20 / 2017

Hospital Thrift Shop Donates $381,500 to Nantucket Cottage Hospital

The Hospital Thrift Shop has done it again. Continuing its 88-year tradition of generosity, the Thrift Shop announced today a $381,500 gift to Nantucket Cottage Hospital following another successful season on India Street.

The board members of the Thrift Shop presented Nantucket Cottage Hospital president and CEO Dr. Margot Hartmann with a check last week in the amount of $331,500, which has been earmarked for new medical equipment that will improve patient care in nearly every department of the hospital. Another $50,000 will be committed to the Thrift Shop’s pledge of $500,000 for the construction of the new hospital.

“We’re so pleased to once again help our community hospital fulfil its mission to patients, while also supporting its vision for the future in a new building,” said Cathy Ward, the outgoing President of the Thrift Shop’s Board of Directors. “It’s important to remember that this gift is made possible by the island community, which gives so generously to the Thrift Shop throughout the year, along with our loyal shoppers and hardworking staff and volunteers.” (more…)