3 / 31 / 2018

Para nuestras futuras madres en Nantucket

Hemos visto los primeros casos confirmados de corona virus en Nantucket y necesitamos comunicarle de los cambios en curso que se estan implementando en el Hospital Nantucket Cottage. Los cuales son para mantenerlo a usted, a su bebé y al personal de Maternidad lo más seguro y saludable posible.

 La Maternidad en NCH es una de las áreas más seguras y aisladas del hospital. Según nuestros rigurosos protocolos de control de infecciones, todas las personas que ingresan al hospital son examinadas para detectar cualquier síntoma viral (fiebre, tos, dolor de garganta, dolor muscular o falta de aliento). Además, el lugar de nacimiento es una unidad cerrada para la seguridad de nuestros pacientes y sus bebés, y solo un número muy limitado de miembros del personal tiene acceso a la unidad.

3 / 23 / 2018

Ask the Experts: Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy

Wednesday, April 11, 2018 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Open House at the Nantucket Culinary Center, 22 Federal Street
Free Event – Stop By!

  • Meet Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy team
  • Speak to the experts and get your questions nanswered
  • Hear how you or your loved ones might benefit from their services
  • Enjoy complimentary appetizers and a cash bar for a fun and informative a night out


SPORTS MEDICINE: Meet Kelly Facteau, MSPT band Brittany Russo, PTA and discuss techniques to prevent injuries while exercising. Ask questions about taping and bracing techniques and sports-specific rehab.

PHYSICAL THERAPY: Talk with Liz Camp, DPT, and Jameson Heise, DPT about balance, and therapeutic exercise to restore your movement and functionality, and knowing when it’s necessary to use assistive devices. And chat with Kelly Facteau, MSPT and LouAnn Bronson, PT, BS about pelvic floor dysfunction.

SPEECH THERAPY: Join Sara Perroni, SLP to hear how adults with progressive and neurological conditions might benefit from speech therapy. And meet Jody Newman, MA, SLP, CCC and Blanca Ramos, SLPA to discuss when it’s necessary to seek speech therapy for a child.

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: Ask Pedro Amaral, OTR/L your questions about hand, wrist and elbow issues. And meet Jenna Darkow, OTR/L, who can discuss when it’s necessary to seek occupational therapy for a child.

This event is sponsored by Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s Women+Wellness Lecture Series. Click here to learn about our signature summer event on July 23, 2018.

3 / 13 / 2018

Storm Update; March 13, 2018

(4:25 p.m.) Power has been restored to the hospital. Pockets of the island are beginning to regain power. National Grid expects full power to be restored by 11:45 p.m. An emergency shelter is open to people and pets at the Nantucket High School. As always, the emergency department is open 24 hours a day.

(3:15 p.m.) An emergency shelter will be open for Nantucket residents at the Nantucket High School starting at 3:30 p.m. National Grid does not expect power to be restored to the island until midnight.

(1:50 p.m.) Nantucket Cottage Hospital remains open and operational during today’s winter storm. We are operating on generator power. All physician practices and specialty clinics are rescheduling patients. Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy’s outpatient services at Bayberry Court will be closed for the remainder of the day. As always, the Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day.

2 / 15 / 2018

Dr. Hartmann Announces Leadership Succession Plan


A Memo from Dr. Margot Hartmann, President & CEO of Nantucket Cottage Hospital
(February 15, 2018)

I am writing to let you know, in plenty of time, about the succession plan I and the Board of Trustees have put together for my position at NCH. This will be about an 18-month process to bring us safely into our exciting new building and through the completion of our historic capital campaign. I am very grateful for how far we have come, and want to ensure a good plan to address our ongoing challenges.

A search will begin shortly for our next President and CEO, which is expected to take some months. Once that person begins, he or she will assume the day-to-day operational role and responsibilities of CEO, while I remain alongside as President of NCH through the Summer of 2019.

I foresee this as a careful and prudent handover, given these transformative times for our hospital, and look forward to our continuing work together to achieve the best for NCH and the island community we serve.

2 / 14 / 2018

Quietly Supporting the Community: Tracey & Bill Marshall’s Donation Boosts Capital Campaign

Whether they’re in Austin or Nantucket, Tracey and Bill Marshall seek to make a difference in the communities close to their heart, supporting causes and organizations that benefit children, education, and health.

Since they first came to Nantucket more than 15 years ago, the Marshalls have grown to love the island community, and have quietly contributed in numerous ways to organizations that enhance the quality of life for all residents.

“Part of the original attraction of Nantucket for us was that it always felt more like a community than a resort, and we enjoy being part of this community,” Bill Marshall said.

The Marshalls also came to recognize Nantucket Cottage Hospital as essential to the health of the Nantucket community, and have contributed a major investment in the construction of the island’s new hospital, as well as toward the vital services that will be provided inside.

“This project is very important to the entire community,” said Tracey Marshall. “It’s not just about the essential healthcare provided by the hospital, but also the contribution to the community’s welfare that an active institution of high quality can make.”

The Marshalls’ gift has continued the incredible momentum of Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s capital campaign, which has now received commitments of more than $108 million toward the goal of $120 million for the new hospital and urgently needed housing for employees. The Marshalls’ contribution was initially given anonymously, and it was only at the urging of the hospital’s development team that they agreed to have it announced publicly in the hope that their generosity would inspire others.

“It’s very rewarding to be part of something tangible, the bricks and mortar, but for me personally, it’s more satisfying to know that we’ve contributed to the sustainability of the community”, Tracey Marshall said.
