10 / 14 / 2020

“Detenga el contagio”Pruebas de COVID 19 llegan a Nantucket

Pruebas para personas  asintomáticas gratuitas en Nantucket Cottage Hospital

 Pruebas gratis para individuos que son asintomáticos estarán disponibles en el Hospital de Nantucket comenzando el Viernes, Octubre 16 por medio del programa estratégico de pruebas “Detenga el contagio” por parte del estado.

Con Nantucket designado por el estado como un área de alto riesgo para la transmisión del coronavirus, la isla se convertirá en la última comunidad en lanzar un sitio de prueba “Detenga el contagio”. El programa apoya la realización de pruebas en personas asintomáticas para detener la propagación de COVID-19 al proporcionar pruebas sin barreras, gratuitas y de fácil acceso para quienes no presentan síntomas. El estado proporcionará fondos para hasta 75 pruebas de COVID-19 asintomáticas por día sin costo por orden de llegada.

Pruebas de Detección de la propagación para las personas asintomática de COVID-19 en NCH, carril 2


  • Abierto a todas las personas asintomáticas que buscan pruebas de COVID-19.
  • Las pruebas no se limitan a los residentes de las ciudades y pueblos donde se encuentran los sitios.
  • No es necesario que presente ningún síntoma.
  • Sin costo para ti.
  • No es necesario que haya tenido contacto cercano con una persona positiva con COVID-19.


10 / 14 / 2020

O programa COVID-19 “Pare a Propagação” chegará em Nantucket.

Teste a assintomáticos totalmente gratuito no Nantucket Cottage Hospital

O teste COVID-19 gratuito para indivíduos assintomáticos estará disponível no Nantucket Cottage Hospital a partir desta sexta-feira, 16 de outubro, por meio do programa estadual  de testes estratégicos “Stop the Spread” (Pare a Propagação).

Com Nantucket designada pelo estado como uma área de alto risco para a transmissão do coronavírus, a ilha se tornará a mais recente comunidade a lançar a campanha “Pare com a Propagação”. A campanha incentiva o teste a indivíduos assintomáticos para impedir a propagação do COVID-19, fornecendo testes sem barreiras, gratuito e de fácil acesso para aqueles sem sintomas. O estado fornecerá financiamento para até 75 testes COVID-19 assintomáticos por dia, sem nenhum custo, por ordem de chegada.

O teste COVID-19 aos assintomáticos “Pare a Propagação” no NCH, na pista 2


  • Aberto a todos os indivíduos assintomáticos que buscam o teste COVID-19.
  • O teste não está restrito a residentes das cidades  onde os postos de atendimento estão localizados.
  • Você não precisa ter nenhum sintoma (s).
  • Sem custo para você.
  • Você não precisa ter tido contato próximo com um indivíduo positivo ao COVID-19.


10 / 5 / 2020

Joint Statement on Suspected COVID-19-related death

An individual diagnosed with COVID-19 on Nantucket died Sunday, Oct. 4, 2020 after being transferred to a higher level of care. This marks the second suspected COVID-19-related death in the past three days among individuals who tested positive for the disease on Nantucket.

With Nantucket still designated as a high-risk community by the state of Massachusetts, the Town of Nantucket and Nantucket Cottage Hospital are urging the island community to take this situation extremely seriously, take every precaution, and adhere to the orders put in place by the Commonwealth and the Town to protect our population during the pandemic. We must continue to work together to stop the spread of this virus and have a safe fall and winter season.

There are simple things that everyone can do to help keep cases down: wash your hands, stay physically distant, refrain from large gatherings, and wear a mask when you go out in public. If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, please come to the Nantucket Cottage Hospital drive-through for an evaluation. If a contact tracer calls you, please be respectful and cooperate fully with the case investigation. For those who have been exposed to someone who is positive, please respect and follow the requirement to isolate for 14 days.

10 / 2 / 2020

Nantucket COVID-19 Update | Oct. 2

As of 5 p.m. yesterday, Nantucket Cottage Hospital reported 4 new cases of COVID-19 on Nantucket among patients tested at our drive-through evaluation site. That brings the total number of new cases on the island over the past week to 38, and the 7-day positive rate – which is the percentage of tests that are coming back positive – increased to 6.5 percent.

To underscore the seriousness of this situation, I will share with you that one of our inpatients who tested positive for COVID-19 was transferred by Medflight helicopter to a higher level of care due to the severity of the illness this person was experiencing. This is the third COVID-positive patient who has needed to be transferred by Medflight in the past week. We are wishing the best for all these patients and hope they will make a full recovery

We know that most cases of coronavirus are generally mild, but the virus can cause serious illness necessitating ICU-level care or even death in a small percentage of patients. Generally these are people who are older or have preexisting conditions, but COVID-19 can impact healthy people too, and we are just beginning to understand the potential for long-term health impacts of the disease.

This is why we urge everyone in the community to take this situation extremely seriously and recommit to the precautions that will limit the spread and keep our community safe. We know this is a social virus that requires people to be gathering and mingling in order to spread. Collectively, it is our behaviors that are driving this increase in cases on Nantucket.

So let’s all remember the simple things that can help keep cases down: wash your hands, stay physically distant, refrain from large gatherings, and wear a mask when you go out in public. If a contact tracer calls you, please be respectful and cooperate fully with the case investigation. For those who have been exposed to someone who is positive, please respect and follow the requirement to isolate for 14 days.

Beyond the serious impacts to the health and wellness of our community, the latest surge of cases means that Nantucket will continue to classified by the state as a “red” high-risk community well into October. This designation has significant consequences for the schools, for our children, as well as island businesses and the local economy. (more…)

10 / 1 / 2020

Welcome to a New Nantucket Native!














After the birth of their daughter Piper at The Birthplace at NCH, Brian and Kate Sullivan shared a wonderful message of thanks to our team.

“This weekend our daughter Piper Grey Sullivan was born at Nantucket Cottage Hospital on Saturday Sept 26th 2020.  We are full of joy to welcome her home here on island.  Both Piper and Kate are home recovering healthy and happy and, are all doing well after the great care received at NCH. We can’t say enough about the experience we had this past weekend.  The new facility was a pleasure to be in, but the real shining star was the team of nurses, techs, doctors and support staff that treated us so well as our family grew. We are overflowing with gratitude to the entire staff at NCH especially the teams working labor and delivery over the weekend, including Rakeem Baker, Rachael Connealy, Jessica Douglas, Erika Noke, Ruthie Tonico, and Emily Wendelken. We were also supported by an amazing doula Sunny Daily who was able to attend the birth, helping complete the joyful experience for us.”